Physical distance creates need for emotional proximity
With the gradual resumption of air traffic post Covid-19, airports need to consider appropriate measures – physical in the short term, digital in the long term. As abruptly as air traffic has collapsed, its ‘U’-shaped recovery will take a long time to restore. Naturally, physical airport measures come first in the wake of slowly rising travel volumes. Those airports, that however succeed beyond the obvious initiatives and focus on a customer-centric digital engagement along the entire airport travel chain, will be the first to regain lasting passenger experiences. They will shift stress back towards satisfaction at customer touch points by means of a digitally driven emotional proximity. Emotional proximity with personal distance – at first glance a contradiction in terms, at second glance an exciting challenge.
Lufthansa Consulting customer experience experts reflect on the impact of Covid-19 on touch points along the customer journey, correspondingly defining passenger needs and requirements, and structuring the implementation of possible and appropriate airport measures along the time axis.
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