Operational excellence in clinic operations
Airlines and airports as well as clinics are facing the challenge to implement Operational Excellence in a sustainable way in the face of high competitive pressure. The well-being and safety of passengers and patients is always the top priority, so that experience and best practices in safety management seem to be transferable in both industries.
Lufthansa Consulting has gained intensive experience with the implementation of Operational Excellence as well as Safety Management systems in aviation. Together with the clinic consultancy medcura GmbH and Rottal Inn Kliniken, Lufthansa Consulting has carried out an initial pilot project in order to make use of the commonalities within the framework of an exchange of experience.
Constant improvement of processes – that is only one of the challenges of everyday hospital life. The project looked at different areas of the clinic to identify commonalities and to test the transferability of processes and methods from aviation to clinic processes and vice versa. To this end, employees from the three companies recently came together for consultations, interviews and walk-throughs at the Rottal Inn Klinik Eggenfelden. In the final workshop, the impressions and results were summarized and the identified similarities and differences discussed. Parallels that emerged directly were, for example, high safety standards, the great importance of the well-being of patients/customers, and the strong regimentation through specifications. The report on the results is currently being compiled by Lufthansa Consulting, after which joint implementation steps for the future will be examined.