Lufthansa Consulting supports establishment of new Lufthansa Group subsidiary
61 former Aviation Power employees (AVP) recently started their work at the newly founded Lufthansa Group Security Operations GmbH (LGSO). Together with LGSO’s Managing Director Rainer Geng, Peter Belinskiy and Vincent Hütte from Lufthansa Consulting pressed the official start button for the beginning of operation at the foundation ceremony on 1 October 2019 in Hamburg. During the 6-month project phase, the consultants worked together with the Lufthansa project team led by Rainer Geng and Enno Münster, Head of Corporate Business Security Lufthansa Group. They ensured the set-up of this 100% Lufthansa Group subsidiary with subsequent foundation. This included corporate law, employment law as well as operational issues from registration at the Trade Office to time recording systems. The project was divided into three work packages:
1. Governance and strategy
Company formation, registration of limited liability company with the responsible authorities such as the Trade Office, the regulatory Authority, the Employment Office etc., the development plan for the first five years, the establishment of an advisory board, etc.
2. HR, legal and taxes
Preparation of job profiles, establishment of payroll, preparation of operations transfers, review of collective agreements, exchange with co-determination bodies, etc.
3. Processes and standards
Connection to Zero Balancing, introduction of a consistent time recording system across all locations, ensuring billing and accounting processes, etc.
Departments from various Group companies such as Albatros, Lufthansa Group Business Services and Lufthansa Industry Solutions were involved in setting up the company.
The insourcing of the former AVP employees in Hamburg is only the first step for LGSO: The strategic goal is to bundle all security services of the Lufthansa Group under the umbrella of LGSO in order to be able to synergistically offer and control professional and high-quality security services from a single source.