Ground Operations 2030: Solving today’s core problems with the solutions of tomorrow
Ground operations and the interaction of the parties involved are essential for a hassle-free journey. Low performance and low collaboration lead to additional cost and jeopardize the success of the overall operations. A close look into solving the current problems, combined with an assessment of future trends enable companies to prepare for the changes in aviation.
Introducing the “GOMT”
To discuss the way forward in aviation ground operations, we first need to find a common understanding of what Ground Operations (GO) stands for. Ground Operations involves all aspects of aircraft handling at airports as well as aircraft movement around the aerodrome, except on active runways. These aspects are usually handled by three big players – the airport operator, the airline and the ground handler – which together form the Ground Operations Magic Triangle, the GOMT
Clustering the core problems
As the (three) parties of the GOMT tend to have different focal points in their development, challenges within the collaboration are inevitable. Several problems need to be solved in the near future to enable smoother operations. Lufthansa Consulting has categorized the core problems in five action areas for future ground operations:
– need for a new way of innovative stakeholder collaboration,
– future requirements of the right infrastructure at an airport,
– what the customer journey will look like and how it can be integrated and implemented in the current operating system,
– how the GOMT will actively prevent disruptions – and how in the worst-case irregularity management 2.0 can be conducted and
– how ramp operations are carried out without any direct human interaction.
In addition, these problems need to be solved with a focus on global trends. But what are the global mega trends in aviation? What are the questions that need to be answered for future aviation operations?
Ground Operations 2030 by Lufthansa Consulting
Now the tricky part starts – answering those questions above. This includes matching the clustered core problems with the identified mega trends and turning them into successful and tailored solutions. Lufthansa Consulting has accepted this challenge and our experts have performed an in-depth analysis into how an airport of the future and especially Ground Operations in 2030 can and should look in order to achieve pole position in successful aviation operations.
Ground Operations 2030 by Lufthansa Consulting provides a high-level overview with different action fields clustered into the five core areas. In this series further articles will cover deep dives into each of the core fields of GO2030.