Getting ready for take-off: Ramping up airport operations
After having come to an almost complete standstill, the aviation industry is now facing the challenge of ramping up operations again. Airports are already dealing with procedural and infrastructural redesign to comply with Covid-19 regulations.
The next vital step is to move on towards mobilizing airport resources, preparing them for the new normal this crisis has shaped. Creativity and flexibility are key levers to success in staying ahead of the rising, yet volatile demand curve. The workforce requires precisely timed requalification and an overhauled planning module, given the drastically impacted parameters, while equipment plays the central role in making the passenger journey touchless, which is driving digitalization.
Inevitable capacity reductions and checkpoint bottlenecks due to extended process times and distancing measures are predominantly challenging for space constrained airports. However, the search is on for creative solutions around the world to secure capacity and service levels, so that airports can leave the competition behind at the starting blocks.
To learn more and discuss how your organization could benefit from Lufthansa Consulting’s expertise on Crisis Recovery, please get in touch.