Expect the unexpected: How airports can prepare for the next crisis
Airports all over the world have been overwhelmed by the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and only few were prepared to respond adequately in due time. Largely switching into a pure firefighting mode, it becomes clear that airport crisis response systems have not been developed at the same pace as airport infrastructure has been expanded over the last years.
Airports must prepare for ramp-up now and get ready for future challenges
In this article, Associate Consultant Dennis Uderhardt emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive enterprise risk management for airports which effectively limits immediate operational and commercial effects of a crisis. Consisting of a solid Risk Management System as well as a Business Continuity Management (BCM), airport executives and staff can utilize a powerful tool to navigate through upcoming crises. Clear communication across all business departments ultimately forms the foundation for establishing a risk management culture within the organization. In order to limit future crisis impact, airports need to start preparing now.
Dennis Uderhardt is an expert in the Solution Group Infrastructure and Operations at Lufthansa Consulting.
To learn more and discuss how your organization could benefit from Lufthansa Consulting’s expertise on Crisis Recovery, please get in touch.
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