Asia Connect: MRO – Latest trends in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul focused on Central Asia
A very experienced team of Lufthansa Consulting experts will attend Asia Connect: MRO conference and exhibition from 17 – 18 May 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. The speech “A380 reactivation – MRO challenges and insights” of Associate Partner and Head of Solution Group Maintenance and Engineering, Dr. Axel Schauenburg, is one of the key topics of the conference agenda. In addition, the company’s Head of Market CIS and Baltic States, Stanislav Solomko, as well as Permanent Representative CIS, Askhat Torshin, and Business Analyst Vanessa Schäfer will take part in this event and will be ready to share their expertise and discuss vital issues on site with the industry professionals.
Axel’s presentation provides an overview of the current A380 market dynamics and recent developments in the worldwide A380 fleets. Looking at the reactivation plans of some airlines, it discusses a range of technical challenges airlines face in the course of returning the aircraft to service, complemented by a few deep-dive MRO examples of airlines’ efforts. It eventually provides an outlook on the future of the A380 in the worldwide fleets.
This technically oriented Asia Connect: MRO event gives the opportunity to find out insights about the latest trends in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul market development. Exhibitors and delegates will have excellent opportunities to share their capabilities and innovations, as well as to build new business relations in the Central Asia region.